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The 3 Main Steps to Find Your Splits

I don't care who you are, it takes some time to build into therapeutic splits. 

Therapeutic splits have:

1. Your two hips in one line. 

2. Your back leg knee points down to the ground and not out to the side. 

3. Both legs are in a straight line, with your ankles in line with your...

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Standing Bow Pulling Pose: Do you only focus on how high you can kick?

Let me stop you right here. 

If I had to start all over again with Standing Bow Pulling Pose, also known as Dancer Prep Pose, I’d focus less on depth and more on alignment…

And also, working WITH my body instead of insisting it do wacky things, just to feel like I finally...

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King Pigeon Pose: Lessons from my personal yoga practice

You might have noticed I've been thinking a lot about King Pigeon Pose and Dancer Pose with the Master Reverse Grip Immersion beginning next Saturday and it made me want to dive into some old yoga photos. 

So, above you can see one of my first attempts in King Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada...

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My top tips for Camel Pose

Camel Pose, or Ustrasana, is oftentimes the first deep backbend you encounter when you begin to practice yoga.

And, it sets up the foundation of good back bending technique when taught and done correctly.

Plus, it’s a huge win to help you release anxiety and fear, open up your hips and...

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Life Lessons Learned from Arm Balancing Postures

Arm balancing postures? They’re all the same thing. 

Once you fly in one, you usually can find flight in them all. 

Because even though the body is making different shapes in each one, the same 3 rules apply to this group of postures over and over again.

And, arm balancing poses...

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Yoga and Fear

Yoga and Fear. The two go hand in hand like the bestest of buddies.

Fear is there with you when you step onto your yoga mat for the very first time.

You wonder if this is going to be something you even like. Or, if you’re going to make a fool of yourself during this first class.

You pray to...

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The biggest mistake in Shoulder Stand

This Shoulder Stand mistake happens to every single person in the beginnings of this posture and we are going to fix it today. 

The problem is when you get in this position, and you look at your legs, they look straight up and down to YOU. 

But, you actually look like this:


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Fix Your Forearm Plank in 3 Easy Moves

You don’t want your shoulders to hurt, right? Or, your neck to be all whacked out? OR, to have your low back start aching?

Because Forearm Plank is one of the most under taught yoga postures out there. 

Why? Teachers assume you know how to do it. 

And, it’s become...

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I'm back. So, here's what happened.
This week I had a conversation that changed my life.

You know when you have one of those moments that brings you a sense of clarity you realized you did not have before? No matter how many times you sat in meditation or stepped on your yoga mat?

Maybe you don’t. Or, maybe you know exactly...

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Why I'm No Longer Teaching Bikram Yoga

I know for many of you, you are surprised at my change of heart when it comes to the twenty-six and two sequence. When we first went into quarantine I had quite a few messages with questions asking when would I be adding the class to my online schedule. And, I had to be honest: I’m not.

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Float Your Boat (Pose)

Do you love Boat Pose like I do? No?

Don’t worry, I haven’t had anyone tell me they love when I instruct to move into Boat Pose, or Navasana… yet.

But, maybe there’s someone out there that is keeping their love of Boat to dull roar because everyone around them in their...

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Yoga Time Thieves (and what to do about them)

I was dripping with sweat and already feeling the sore creeping into my muscles from the class. Honestly, I felt more than weary… I was physically done.

“How long have we been at this?” I thought as I glanced at the clock.

Shockingly we’d been moving through this intense...

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