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The 3 Main Steps to Find Your Splits

I don't care who you are, it takes some time to build into therapeutic splits. 

Therapeutic splits have:

1. Your two hips in one line. 

2. Your back leg knee points down to the ground and not out to the side. 

3. Both legs are in a straight line, with your ankles in line with your...

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The biggest mistake in Shoulder Stand

This Shoulder Stand mistake happens to every single person in the beginnings of this posture and we are going to fix it today. 

The problem is when you get in this position, and you look at your legs, they look straight up and down to YOU. 

But, you actually look like this:


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Tight hamstrings? Do this.

Does your inner voice shriek in terror when a yoga teacher says the word, "Splits"?

Don't worry, you are not alone. 

Though I LOVE the splits and splits work in general, most people don't. 

Why? It's not only a whopper of a hip opener, but it targets the hamstrings in a major way. ...

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Reclaiming Advanced Yoga

So, what in the heck is “advanced yoga” anyway? Does it mean you can touch your feet to your head? Or, balance your entire body on just your fingertips? Is it when you can do an inversion in the middle of the room, away from the wall?

Well, yes… and not quite.

I entitled this...
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What happens to your yoga as you age?

For the first decade of my career as a yoga instructor, I took a ton of workshops and trainings. I would drive for hours or hop on a plane to sit, sometimes uncomfortably, in the back of a studio, not knowing a soul in that particular community, all in the name of soaking up as much info about...

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Float Your Boat (Pose)

Do you love Boat Pose like I do? No?

Don’t worry, I haven’t had anyone tell me they love when I instruct to move into Boat Pose, or Navasana… yet.

But, maybe there’s someone out there that is keeping their love of Boat to dull roar because everyone around them in their...

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Yoga Time Thieves (and what to do about them)

I was dripping with sweat and already feeling the sore creeping into my muscles from the class. Honestly, I felt more than weary… I was physically done.

“How long have we been at this?” I thought as I glanced at the clock.

Shockingly we’d been moving through this intense...

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My Favorite Hip Stretch

It is a rare week as a yoga instructor when you don’t have a student point to the side of their butt and declare, “This hurts!” or “Why am I so sore, right here?” before or after class.

Ah, the piriformis muscle (which is what they were pointing to). It can get a...

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Unlocking Kali Mudra

“Interlace your fingers, release your index fingers, thumbs crossed." 

You’ve heard these words more times than you can count if you’ve had any kind of regular yoga practice. But, other than this being an effective way to grip your hands in a deep Crescent Lunge, or a super...

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It's Time to Stop Pushing

When I first arrived to yoga I will admit I had zero idea what I was getting into. And, I was in my twenties and… acted like someone in their twenties. Reckless. Out to prove something. Trying to figure out where I fit in this huge world.

So, when the instructor said, “Push, push,...

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