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The Meet Me on Your Mat Online Studio

Yoga with Tori Glogowski

Fresh, exciting classes alongside 1-to-1 private coaching for an elite online yoga experience that will make you love practicing from home.
Join Now with a 1-Month Trial Membership

The Meet Me on Your Mat Online Yoga Studio is a game-changing yoga studio & community that everyone is talking about. 

YOU have a dream to grow your yoga practice, feel great in your body at any age, and create your life on purpose to make a real difference in the world.

WE have the classes, support, and community to make it happen - making it easier to advance your yoga practice & step into something new, than you ever imagined.

Wouldn't it be nice if committing to & advancing your yoga practice was easy? 

You wake up feeling great in your body. (And, powerful, too!)

You know you actually have the time to step on your yoga mat to practice. 

And you have not only one accountability partner (me!), but a whole community of like-minded women to motivate you to keep your practice going. 

Your yoga practice is growing in a way that feels joyful, exciting, and easy. And, your body and mind feel fantastic, regardless of your age, or your past perceived limitations. YAY!

But that's not what happens, is it?

In between family, work, and all of the ups and downs of life, driving to a studio that is 30-minutes away, parking, taking the class, showering after, and driving home just doesn't happen. 

And, local studios often don't offer you many classes that teach you how to move forward from a beginner level. It's all beginner stuff, all the time. 

That's why online yoga, when done in a way that supports your personal goals and is tailored to YOU, is such a huge game changer. 

Join the Studio Now

Create consistency & accountability.

Having a partner in your practice... a teacher that actually know YOU, is a huge game changer. 

You'll show up again and again for class because you receive the attention you deserve and the corrections that will make a real difference.

Fall in love with practicing from home! 

You will love my classes - each one offering you something fresh and new every time you step on your yoga mat. 

And, with 1-to-1 sessions built directly into your membership, you'll have your very own yoga coach in your corner to help you every step of the way, personalizing the program to YOU.

Way more than an exercise program. 

Get ready to master your mind, conquer your fears, and become absolutely unstoppable - on and off your yoga mat. 

Tori's method of teaching will have you unlocking the body and mind to step into the truest sense of YOU - embracing everything you are and letting go of everything you simply are not. 

Change your thoughts, the way you feel and how you move. 

✔️ Experience classes that will keep you engaged & wanting to step on your yoga mat again and again. 

✔️ Save time & money by bringing your practice to your very own home yoga space without losing the connection you feel when you go to a local studio.

✔️ Monthly 1-to-1 sessions with Tori to propel your practice forward with a teacher committed to giving you the best yoga education possible. 

✔️ New livestream & on-demand classes delivered each week to keep you interested and coming back for more. 

✔️ 300+ on-demand classes to take whenever best suits you - each one with their own flair. You'll never take the same class twice! 

✔️ Monthly workshops to help you dive even deeper into your yoga practice. 

✔️ Connecting with a like-minded, inspiring community. Expect to make more than one friend in this space. 

No risk! Start your practice today. All classes, challenges, community meet-ups and private sessions are included in your membership! 

Don't waste another day delaying your new beginnings!

Start Your Trial Membership Now


Denise K. 

Age 60

"Tori’s instructions are clear and she has such a great eye for everyone’s practice. Working with her I am successful in postures that I never dared dream would be mine.

Besides being able to do fun poses this yoga has improved my quality of life. At age 60, I have more flexibility than I did 20 years ago. I am able to move my legs up and through to climb onto boats, kayaks and ladders safely and easily - which hasn’t been the case for quite awhile.

In addition it is really fun to have a group of women who share the same passion for feeling good and challenging themselves as I do. I love my yoga friends!"

Amanda T.

Age 38

"The changes in my yoga practice have been outstanding since joining this program. I am doing things I never thought I’d be able to do: drop backs, arm balances (I once laughed at because I thought they were impossible), even Crow Pose was a posture I thought was never going happen.But, in this program you work to achieve these and more.

At my current age I am surprised by the strength I’m building.
I never thought I’d have abs or arm muscles again. I thought that was a thing of the past!

This really is a program made for everyone… and I don’t say that just in terms of the practice….

The convenience of it is amazing. I am a working mom who is constantly on the go and I always have time for my practice now.

Here you will develop a long-term, in-depth yoga practice that will continue to change and grow, with a supportive teacher and community to back you up.

This will be my forever yoga home."

Deb C.

Age 50

I've been a part of Tori's live online yoga classes for the past four years, and I can confidently say that it has been a transformative journey.

Tori's teaching style is not just about perfecting postures; it's about personal growth and empowerment.

Tori's encouragement and dedication is infectious and empowering. Her positive energy radiates through the screen, making each session a joy to attend. She creates a safe and inclusive space where everyone feels valued, regardless of their skill level.

Tori genuinely cares about her students' progress and tailors her guidance to individual needs.

I can't recommend her classes enough to anyone seeking, not only to enhance their yoga practice, but also to enrich their life.

Cindy H.  

Owner of Wiggly Tales Dog Daycare, Age 48

"Since I began taking Tori’s classes I have noticed I have more confidence. I’m making smart choices of eating because I want to feel good for class. I see my body as a tool that she has shown me can do more than I ever thought possible. Tori is invested in each of her students individually. She wants and helps us succeed further in our yoga practice and she helps celebrate our little victories along the way. I am so grateful that Tori has created this online yoga studio & community."

Ami B. 

Yoga & meditation teacher, Age 62

"This program is quite amazing! Recorded classes make it convenient, live classes are a blast, and Tori's instruction is that great combinaton of precise and joyful. I have loved every class I've taken. I'm doing things I never thought I'd be able to do. What's more important though, is the empowerment that comes with it. Yoga would be useless if you couldn't take it off the mat, and here you really learn things you never thought you were capable of. Tori will take you on an authentic transformative journey!"

Irene C. 

Age 57

"My yoga has only gotten better since joining this program. I’ve gained a ton of strength - that’s not the story we hear about when we arrive at this age.

We are told, “When you get older you just can’t do what you used to. You're not as energetic. Your body just can’t do as much. Your muscles are not as strong. You’ll get injured, you can’t. In short, you're doomed, no way around it…

This program has taught me the opposite, I have become stronger over the last 2 years than with any other yoga practice I have ever taken on, from Bikram to Ashtanga.

Thank you Tori Hicks-Glogowski for showing us how to flip the script.
I am forever grateful…"

Hi! I'm Tori.

I know what it feels like to feel stuck in your yoga practice, or unmotivated to step on your yoga mat. 

I have never been a gymnast, or an elite dancer and I am nowhere near my 20s (I'm in my late 40s and I know what it's like to face physical and mental challenges within my practice).

But, despite my age and the blocks that can come up within a lifelong practice:

✔️ I've moved through and healed injuries from doing the same type of yoga sequence over and over again. 

✔️ My yoga practice gets better and better each year as I take on new shapes and challenges to keep me curious and interested. 

✔️ I feel great in my body and mind, as well as, overall younger, stronger, and with increased flexibility and mobility.

I can help you to feel the same way about your practice, normalizing feeling powerful, strong and flexible within your body no matter what your current age is.

And, I have coached and taught thousands of yogis just like you through my 20 years of practice and teaching.

Take Class with Tori today

You'll experience 5 types of classes when you join my studio.

Each one is here to assist you in opening up the body and mind to new possibilities. 

(This is what makes this space a full on studio - offering you way more than 1 type of class.)

Evolution Hatha Yoga

This class moves! Nothing gets left behind in this session. Expect to gain a deeper understanding of proper form and technique and to build into postures in a way that will serve the beginner AND the more advanced practitioner.

Revolution Hatha Flow 

A true yoga adventure! This class is set up in the form of a mini workshop, where you will concentrate on one facet of your practice at a time. Strengthening flows and a touch of the unexpected set these classes apart from the rest, truly revolutionizing your yoga practice. 

Yoga Boost: Drills & Conditioning

Gain strength, flexibility, and mobility in new ways with a healthy helping of both yoga drills mixed with pilates and mobility moves to help you find your float in inversions, fly higher in your arm balancing postures, and deepen your back bend. 

Elevate in 30  

A 30-minute training session on a specific posture, such as Wheel Pose, Splits, or 8-Angle Pose. Perfect for the yogi on the go, or when you only have 30-minutes to give to your practice, but want to get the most out of your time on your yoga mat.

Restorative Yoga 

Sometimes all you need is to slow down and restore. This class serves up longer holds, a slower pace, and a relaxing vibe throughout the session. Added throughout the class you'll learn self myofascial release techniques to break up knots and bring energy to tired areas.

Monthly Workshops & Challenges

Once a month we meet for a workshop to dive deeper into a particular facet of the practice. You can choose to purchase each workshop a la carte or have them automatically included in your membership. 

Challenges are absolutely included in every membership and are there to keep you engaged in your practice.

Yoga teachers if you opt for workshops included in your membership you may be eligible to receive 30 hours of Yoga Alliance approved Continuing Education. 

If you're thinking that this is like every other online yoga studio out there... you're wrong.

Here's what sets this space apart from the rest:

I am your yoga instructor and your personal trainer.

I know my students.

You will always feel supported and seen in this space.

And, you have 1-to-1 private yoga sessions with me built into your membership at no extra cost, so that we can partner together in your practice.

Student to student connection. 

Make friends in online yoga? Absolutely! 

Not only will you connect with the students in this community through the classes, we have private community pages where you can dive deep into conversations about yoga and life, as well as, regular virtual meet-up sessions and in-person events exclusively for the students of this community. 

Fresh livestream & on-demand classes available daily. 

Expect to have the opportunity to take a fresh class 4 to 5 times a week! 

And, in the livestream sessions you will get real time personal feedback and corrections to help you take your practice further, as well as, the opportunity to ask questions when needed. 

Join today and receive:

✔️ 300+ on-demand classes you can access immediately - each one unique in it's own way. You will never take the same exact class twice in this space. 


✔️ Access links to join Tori for a livestream classes 4 to 5 times a week where you will receive top level instruction and individual corrections to up-level YOUR personal practice. 
✔️A 30-minute 1-to-1 Private Session with Tori where you can work together to set & accomplish your yoga goals. 


✔️Access to Tori's Fundamentals Workshops where you will learn more in each 15-minute session than most people learn in years of group yoga classes.
✔️Access to the Meet Me on Your Mat Member's Exclusive Community Page & Facebook Group where you can connect with the other students in the studio.

Zero risk! Cancel anytime.

Start Your Trial Membership Now

I’m extremely proud of the online studio I created and I am confident that anyone who buys a membership and trusts me with their practice will be thrilled with their purchase.

That’s why I offer a 1-month Trial Membership with absolutely no commitment after the 4-weeks, unless you decide this is your new yoga home and choose to purchase a membership package.

With this super low introductory rate of $49 USD, you can see what this space is all about, have your first 1-to-1 private session with me, attend a few classes, or take some classes on-demand, at zero risk.

If this online yoga space isn’t what you were looking for, when 1-month is up, you will not be charged anything further.

Simply click the button below to begin your trial membership to begin taking class & to connect with Tori & the community today!

Click Here to Begin Today!

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